Wednesday, September 28, 2016

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Sunny's Nights: Lost and Found at a Bar on the Edge of World

User Review  - Staff - Book Verdict
For years Sunny Balzano operated a bar in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn that opened only on Friday night. The author stumbled upon the bar in the mid-1990s and never looked back, eventually ... Read full review
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My father was Tony, Josephine's brother, whom I miss with every ounce of my being...I am crying while reading this...I know my father loved his sister, my Aunt Josie so very much..I have a picture of both of them on my living room wall. My father was quiet, kind and generous..As a kid, I always asked my father if he had any "extra" money...He said, Rosemary, "there is never any "extra" money, just ask me for money and I always said ok...My father Never complained. Ever. When we used to visit my Aunt Josie and Uncle Ralph and cousins, I was always apprehensive at first because the neighborhood scared me...I thought it was the end of the world.. I was good once inside..I remember my Uncle Ralph was a great cook and wine was serve (just a little with dinner)...It always amazed me because no one in my family drank...I remember sneaking downstairs to the bar and hid under a table...I did that because Uncle Ralph said I was not allowed in there...At that time, it was also a restaurant..Of course, I was just too curious not to check it out...Boy, did I get busted! Uncle Ralph came in looking for me and dragged me out...My father just smiled when I got back upstairs and didn't say a word... 

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