Thursday, September 8, 2016

Signs When Masturbating Is Becoming Harmful For You

How many times you masturbate during a day or you do it weekly or monthly. You almost have a preset figure in your head when you are sitting idle or want to spend your free time enjoyably.In this blog we will tell you about the signs and symptoms in a person who masturbates too much. If you are also one of them who are crossing the limits, then beware of its effects.
It has been said by the sex therapist and clinical counselor, Dan drake that there is no magic number for masturbation habit. No one counts the number of times he/she masturbates in a day. It hardly matters for sex activists.
So when does this pleasing exercise turn into adverse habit of an activity? The physical as well as psychological symptoms defined as below will abstain you from doing so. You have to keep control on your hands in order to keep you Fit and extended breather. The points are discussed below. Read them carefully.
  1. You hurt yourself

You can hurt yourself with excessive masturbation and it has been proven by the Urologist, Tobias Kohler an MD at the southern Illinois University. The injury caused to the private part can be mild or even serious too. In mild condition, skin chaffing can be noticed and under serious condition a disease like Peyronie can also be seen in some persons. If you put too much pressure on your penis then this may result in the buildup of plaque around the shaft of the penis. You have to calm down in this condition and stay away from such acts for some time.
  1. Your job deteriorates

If you are habitual of this, then your routine job like meeting friends at the office or in the society is affected. You will not able to get the time for finding your partner. All the time you keep on doing the same things even in the weekend nights also. These are the major signs that you need to focus on, said by the Dan Drake.
  1. You can’t Ejaculate

Some guys are used to of doing such acts and keeps on discharging the semen as a result, they will not able to satisfy the partner during the sex night because they can ejaculate that time properly. Because the arousal after touching it remains silent if some guy masturbate a lot of times in a day. This may give sensation or joy to their mind for a moment, but has high side effects for future periods. The real life partner may remain unsatisfied from the male side because of lack of excitement in the man’s mind for sex drive.
  1. You always think about it

If you have nothing to do in free time, then you always think about it instead of passing free time with a partner or with friends. This socially boycott you from the society and you will feel happy only if you are masturbating rather than going out with friends. Some guys always look for the instance to do masturbate. They quickly react to the nudity of women. The sex drive aroused at once in their mind and they can’t control the emotions for the same.
  1. If try to curtain then you can’t

Consider it’s just like a chain smoker who can’t abstain himself from smoking; same is the case with this. A person can’t control himself or loses his control over his mind during masturbate. He can’t curb his habit. If you continuously masturbate for a week, then the sperm count lessens by 50 % nearly in your testosterone. Masturbating decreases the chances of getting pregnant so it is harmful if you are planning for conceiving a baby.

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